health and wellness radio
The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: Coloring Life with a Spirit of Gratitude

The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: Coloring Life with a Spirit of Gratitude

  11/02/2016  08:00 am PDT

The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: Coloring Life with a Spirit of Gratitude Colette Marie Stefan talks with fellow Life Sparks author Jean Farish on her chapter in the book "Coloring Life with a Spirit of Gratitude". Find out what inspired Jean's words in that chaprter of the book, what Jean is doing now, and more about her story. 

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colette-marie-stefan-host of the truth is funny

Colette Marie Stefan

**The Truth is Funny - **Colette and her dragons from Tails From The Vector **Nuggets of Wizdom from The Vector! Join Colette as she shares nuggets of wizdom from her book,...

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 Jean  Farish

Jean Farish

Dr. Jean Farish has served as university administrator, professor, and rehabilitation counselor. She is an award winner of the global Transformational Author Experience Writ...

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