health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Graeson Sanchez

I work with Reiki (spiritually guided life force energy), and Curanderismo (Indigenous practices and teachings of Southwest, Mexico & Central America) to facilitate grief, & trauma processing. I also work closely with herbs, blending teas and smokes as well as offering sageless smudge bundles for sale. Tarot readings with a written interpretation of your cards & any messages received from spirit at the time are also available by appointment, and for those looking to add some nature in a unique way to their sacred space, I make altar art with dried wildflowers during the warm seasons. My work is aimed at being trauma informed, centered in harm reduction & founded on the idea that all beings are worthy & deserving of all they desire. I aim to center QTNB-BIPOC experiences and needs in all my work, with unconditional love and compassionate action as the absolute core of all I do.


Dr. James Rosenwald