health and wellness radio


"Dear Dr. Pat and Dr. Thomas, A thousand thank yous for giving me a sense of hope and a veritable new lease on life this morning! I listen to your show on a tv station at 5:00am here in Highland Lakes, NJ. I've been praying/meditating on a way to spark enthusiasm into my 58 year old deadened spirit and I'm so grateful for your wise and inspiring words. I could actually feel my body lighten while you were talking Dr. Thomas, and noticed some of the heaviness and pains in my body lifted! I am so grateful for what you do, Dr. Pat. Needless to say :) I would love to share the interview with friends. How can I access a replay to email to my cronies (just kidding!!) Thank you so very much again. Much love to you both." 

    Katya Difani - Herban Wellness